Thank you to everyone who came out to our 2nd Annual Alumni Football Kick Off. It was so nice to see so many faces back on campus!

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CNHS promotes the use of technology in any area of a student’s education where technology is useful and beneficial. Our educational technology program brings together iPads, ebooks, and many other digital resources to ensure that our students have the tools they need to be successful.
In addition to integrating technology in our everyday activities, CNHS also offers a Computer Science/Information Technology curriculum that challenges students to explore the foundational concepts of computational thinking and problem solving, as well as the impact of technology in our society.
“Lions would have fared better, had lions been the artists” – Cardinal John Henry Newman
The Cardinal Newman Performing Arts department comprises five disciplines: Art, Theater, Chorus, Band, and Dance. Every Christmas, the Performing Arts department performs at the school’s performance venue, and every spring, the Fine Arts department culminates its work at the Palm Beach State College Theater. The department also travels in and out of state for various theme park festivals and competitions. Our arts department has received many Superior and Excellent ratings as well as first place accomplishments. Our students are exposed to many college directors and leading guest artists. More importantly, our students learn to express themselves in song, art, and dance; and are learning the intrinsic to extrinsic spiritual language that words cannot express.
The Art Department each year implements creativity in the various styles, modes, and materials of the visual arts world. Each semester the art department displays their work throughout the school for multiple projects, events, holidays, celebrations, and high holy days. Our arts students also contribute to the school musical each year in prop production and display their work at the venues for the end of semester performing arts concerts.
The theater department is composed of members of all the performing arts. Preparations start in November of each year. The musical’s peak season is at the end of the year. The season’s dress rehearsals and performances culminate over one week. Our theater students also compete in county and state solo and ensemble events and reviews.
The Cardinal Newman vocal department is the flagship of our faith in aural practice. The chorus is divided into three sections: mass ensemble, theater ensemble, and concert chorus. Within the three ensembles are chamber ensembles such as but not limited to: mixed choir, a ladies choir, and men’s chorus. The ensemble performs for local missions such as various civic and community service events, retirement and nursing homes. The group also performs two major concerts every year. Our choral students also participate in county and state events.
The Newman instrumental department is based on its concert band. The group also branches out into other disciplines such as jazz band, jazz combo, brass choir, woodwind choir, small chamber groups, and solos. Each year the band participates at the Florida Bandmasters Association concert band, jazz band, and solo and ensemble evaluations. Our students also participate at various college honor bands, county, and state honor band sanctioned events. They also perform for local civic community service events and parades. Our band students also proudly participate in the school’s mass ensemble.
The Theology Department at Cardinal Newman High School seeks to provide for our students a foundational experience of developing both their faith and reason. We follow the lead of our patron St. John Henry Cardinal Newman who wrote that: “A great memory does not make a mind, any more than a dictionary is a piece of literature.” More than minimally recalling information we strive to inspire our students to critically explore and put into practice the rich deposit of faith of the Catholic Tradition that has been passed on to us since the time of Jesus. We not only foster an opportunity of academic rigor but we also emphasize the importance of developing as people of prayer.
Just as Jesus is both fully human and divine, we who participate in his life come to be more in touch with the full human expression of body, mind, and spirit, for the “Glory of God is the human being fully alive” (St. Irenaeus). The foundational curriculum texts that we use is from Ave Maria Press and follows the U.S. Bishops Curriculum Framework.
The principal areas of study are as follows for each grade. Freshman will have an introduction to the Old Testament in the fall semester and the New Testament in the Spring. Sophomores will explore the Sacramental life of the Church in the Fall and Morality and Ethics in the Spring. Juniors and seniors can follow four tracks, regular, honors, dual enrollment with St. Thomas University, and I.B. There is no AP religion available. Juniors study Catholic Social Teaching in the Fall and Church History regular and honors and History of Christian Thought I, dual enrollment, in the Fall. Seniors will participate in Christian Living regular and honors, Christian Lifestyle, dual enrollment, and finish with World Religion, regular, honors and dual enrollment.
Students at Cardinal Newman are also encouraged to put their faith in action. Though Roman Catholic, non-Catholic students have opportunties to participate in the spiritual life of the campus as well. All students are required to complete a minimum of 25 hours of community service each school year. Students are also invited to participate regularly in leading prayer over the loudspeaker in the morning, before lunch, or at the end of the day. Students will also be provided with opportunities to participate in class retreats as well as voluntary retreats such as the Emmaus and Liturgical minister retreats each year. Whole Masses are provided on Holy Days of Obligation and for special events, giving students opportunities to serve as altar servers, lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and in the Mass Ensemble. Morning liturgy is provided each day in the chapel at 7:00 am, student led prayer services online and class led prayer services are offered throughout the school year. Various clubs like the Life Club, Liturgical Club and Catholic Youth Group also give students opportunities to practice their faith.
1. Complete and submit the Admission Application with the $100.00 application fee. It can be attached to the online application, or mail, email, or fax to the school after the application has been submitted.
2. Submit complete high school transcript (must include all high school grades).
3. Ask the Principal, Dean, or Assistant Principal at the present school to submit directly to the CNHS Admissions Office a letter of recommendation. The letter should discuss the applicant’s citizenship while at the present high school.
4. Ask a teacher of an academic subject to submit directly to CNHS Admissions Office a letter of recommendation.
Cardinal Newman is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Applying is easy using our Online Application. A non-refundable Application Fee of $100 must be submitted at the end of the Online Application.
When emergency conditions have been declared by the county, such as severe weather conditions (hurricane, tornadoes, flood), schools may be closed.
Cardinal Newman High School follows the decision of the Palm Beach County Public School District. However, circumstances may allow CNHS to re-open at a time different than the public district.
All CNHS school-closing information will be conveyed through RenWeb’s Parent Alert, the CNHS website and Social Media. In addition, the local media will be provided with this information.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
We are happy to announce our partnership with Catering Solutions, a renowned catering company based in South Florida who uses to implement our online lunch order administration. This online platform will allow you to sign up and order lunches.
Please log in at and sign up for an account so you can pre-order lunch for your children throughout the upcoming school year; you can also simply add funds to your child’s declining balance account for daily grab and go items! After you activate your account, you will need a school code to add your children.
Your school code is CN512
Once registered you can use’s iOS App from
The domain you need to enter is caterfla
Once logged in, if you have any questions or need assistance, click on the Software Support option on the bottom left of your navigation panel.
We thank you for your help in getting this implemented and look forward to assisting you in any of your needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
The Cardinal Newman High School’s Social Studies Department offers a well-rounded curriculum and strives for excellence and rigor in all of its programs. Our prime objective is to encourage informed, responsible and active participants in a democratic society.
Our teachers foster an investigatory approach towards learning that places a premium on participation, analysis, and evaluation of historical questions and topics. We believe that learning a simple chain of chronological events does not help prepare the students for the increasingly fast, diverse, and challenging world they will be entering upon graduation. To enable them to do so, students need to master the necessary skills: critical thought, researching, interpreting documents and data, effective communication, and reading & expository writing. In any given Social Studies class at Cardinal Newman High School, you can see students engaged in discussions, encountering different viewpoints or experiences, and developing their ideas from a curriculum that is explored, not merely covered. Throughout all of their Social Studies coursework, students are consistently reminded how history is relevant to their lives.
Cardinal Newman High School Social Studies Department offers 14 courses:
The Cardinal Newman Foreign Language Department is dedicated to developing each student’s language and cultural proficiency to be better prepared for a global society. Our courses emphasize utilizing the target language and culture to communicate through the four skills of speaking, reading, writing and listening. We offer various classes from Spanish I Regular and Honors for the true beginners to Spanish IV Honors, Spanish 5 Honors, AP Spanish Language, and AP Spanish Literature. Students are eligible to earn up to 2 years of college credit in Foreign Language through our partnership with St. Thomas University’s Dual Enrollment Program. We strive to educate each student to become linguistically, proficient global citizens.
The Mathematics Department offers a sequence of rigorous courses that cover traditional college preparatory material and align with the Florida State Standards and the Palm Beach Diocesan Standards. The chief goals of mathematics instruction at Cardinal Newman Catholic High School are developing problem-solving abilities and understanding. The Mathematics Department believes that these are at the heart of mathematics and transfer to other academic areas and beyond. Through various instructional methods across all levels, students are introduced to and given time to practice concepts. The department assesses student performance primarily through individual teacher-created quizzes, unit tests, and cumulative midterm and final examinations.
The Mathematics Department believes that students need a balance between calculator and non-calculator problem-solving. When working analytically, students are expected to show their steps and explain their work. The foundations of algebra are essential to a student’s success and are an integral part of all levels of mathematics. The department offers a variety of courses to allow students to be successful.
Students must earn four credits in mathematics while at Cardinal Newman to be eligible for graduation.
The Science department is at the intersection of the changes in this world. It provides a focus on the biological, chemical, environmental, and physical phenomenon of the universe. The department exposes the students to the objective nature of science and the curriculum’s lack of bias. The laboratory exercises promote the scientific method where accurate analysis of data can take place. Each course enlightens the student to practical material that affects their lives in the 21st century. Biology, the living sciences, and Marine science explore cells, anatomy, physiology, sea life, and the natural world. Chemistry and physical sciences discover the elements, chemicals, advanced chemical equations, and chemical interactions. Physics showcases matter and energy, which affect our daily lives. A sound education requires a strong science background, which the science department strives to provide.
To be prepared for the most competitive college and universities, Cardinal Newman High School students take four years of English. English I provides an introduction to academic writing, literature by genre, grammar, and vocabulary. English II focuses on world literature and writing academic essays about the literature selections. English III is a survey of American literature and academic essays. English IV is a survey of British literature and academic essays.
English I Honors and English II Honors are AP courses. We offer AP Literature and Composition and AP Literature and Language. Additionally, we offer St. Thomas University credit for American literature and British literature.
Our 9th Annual Senior and Friends Fashion Show Luncheon and Vendor Boutique Fair will be held on Thursday, April 15, 2021 in the Crusader Cafe.
Save the Date and Stay Tuned for More Details!
Save the Date!
Saturday, May 1, 2021
For sponsorship opportunities and more information contact
Mary Martens at 561-619-7280 or
Did you know you can support Cardinal Newman just by shopping at Amazon?
When you shop at, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of the total purchase price to Cardinal Newman – at no additional cost to you!
The first time you use AmazonSmile, search for “Cardinal Newman High School Inc. West Palm Beach FL” from the charitable organization search page. Once you select Cardinal Newman, each purchase you make through AmazonSmile supports our Crusaders!
Bookmark to generate a donation to Cardinal Newman each time you shop Amazon. The donations really add up! What could be easier?
Contact Anne Ilcus (mom to Joey) at (561) 901-9467 or if you have any questions.
Gift card fundraising is the best way to raise money. Buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn on your daily purchases. It’s never been easier to create opportunities for what matters most to you. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted.
3 simple steps to get started and make your gift card purchases
Contact Anne Ilcus at with any questions or for enrollment help.
Cardinal Newman High School has as its purpose the holistic education of each student in light of the Gospel values taught by Jesus Christ. Service to others and personal sacrifice were very important to Jesus and therefore, are an integral part of preparing our students for becoming positive role models in the community. This Community Service program is designed to enrich the lives of our students and the communities in which they live. Through successful completion of the program, the student not only helps others but also gains invaluable experience through working with a wide variety of non-profit organizations and in-school activities. Some students even return to work for the organization at which they volunteered. In addition, such service gives our students the necessary documented service which colleges expect from scholarship applicants.
Please be aware that failure to complete a minimum of 75 service hours by senior year may jeopardize your eligibility for the Florida Bright Future Scholarship.
All community service is logged through the Mobile Serve App or at All students should have an account with their school email as their username. If you have any questions please email Mrs. Lower at
Any student who is an active Catholic and has received the sacrament of Confirmation is invited to consider serving the Newman community as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Training will be provided at the annual Liturgical Ministries retreat. The retreat is held at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center, North Palm Beach.
New Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will be installed by Bishop Barbarito
at the Catholic Schools Week Mass.
Lectors will also be recognized at this Mass.
All are invited to attend.
Please see Deacon Dube in Campus Ministry for information.
Any student who has served or currently serves as an Altar Server at his/her parish is welcome to serve at our All-School Masses. Please see Mr. Reep in Campus Ministry to sign up, or email (students, please use your Newman email).
Because some of our liturgies (Open House, Baccalaureate) take place outside of the school day, you will receive Community Service hours for those Masses. All students currently serving as altar servers, or those interested in this ministry at Cardinal Newman, are invited to attend our annual Liturgical Ministries Retreat at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center. This year’s retreat is November 18 – 20, 2020. Please see Deacon Dube or Mr. Reep for more information.
Mass Ensemble provides music for all school liturgies.
All instruments and vocalists welcome!
You do not have to be in Band or Chorus to participate.
Practices are generally on Wednesdays as needed from 2:45 – 4:00 p.m.
Listen for P.A. Announcements and/or check for email announcements.
Earn community service for participation.
All students involved in Mass Ensemble are invited to attend our annual Liturgical Ministries Training Retreat at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center. The basics of liturgical ministry are reviewed, with break-out sessions for each specific ministry group (extraordinary ministers, lectors, altar servers, cantors, vocalists, musicians). This year’s retreat is November 18 – 20, 2020.
Please see Roberta Rehner in room 420 for more information about Mass Ensemble; please see Deacon Dube or Mr. Reep in Campus Ministry to attend the retreat.
Parents are welcome to volunteer your support of Campus Ministry activities for credit towards the school’s service requirements for parents. For all donations (goods or monetary donations), $10 = 1 service hour. When leaving items in the Central Office, please be sure your name is clearly marked. Please contact Mary Martens, Ext. 1051 to volunteer for the Days of Reflection; please contact Mr. Reep in Campus Ministry, Ext. 1030, for all other donations. Help is needed with the following:
Please refer to the attached Revised Emmaus Information for Parents for more detailed information about our Emmaus retreat program.
Juniors and Seniors interested in making an Emmaus Retreat are asked to complete and turn in the Emmaus Registration Form to Mr. Reep in Campus Ministry. Sophomores may also attend the Emmaus with the permission of Campus Ministry.
If you have already made an Emmaus and would like to be a leader on this year’s Emmaus, please see Mrs. Lower as soon as possible, or email
All underclassmen retreats are in the school Gym and Cafeteria, beginning at 8:00 a.m.
The Closing Mass is at 11:15 a.m. at Mary Immaculate Church.
The Senior Retreat has both breakfast and lunch that parents are invited to assist with. The Senior retreat breakfast is held in the Cardinal Newman Cafeteria from 7:50 – 8:25 a.m.; Lunch is at St. Edward’s Parish Hall, Palm Beach, from 11:15 – 12:15 p.m.; closing Mass is at 1:15 p.m. at St. Edward Church.
Parents receive service hour credit for donating food and serving food at the retreats. ($10.00 = 1 service hour.)
Parents interested in helping with the food for these dates are asked to contact the Home & School Class V.P. for your child’s class, or Mary Martens, Events Coordinator, in the Development Office at
1. Complete the Online Application
2. Submit two Letters of Recommendation, one from an administrator and one from a teacher. Click here for the Cardinal Newman Letter of Recommendation which can be scanned and sent directly to
3. Submit up to date high school academic transcripts including standardized testing.
4. Submit any documented educational learning plan, or pertinent psychological or educational evaluation.
5. The applicant will be interviewed by an administrator as part of the application process. An interview time and date will be set after transcripts and recommendations have been received.
Cardinal Newman is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Applying is easy using our Online Application. A non-refundable Application Fee of $100 must be submitted at the end of the Online Application.