Students are expected to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all times. Any form of dress or hair style which is considered by the Administration to be contrary to good hygiene or which is distractive or disruptive in appearance and detrimental to the purpose or conduct of the school will not be permitted. Students, unless otherwise notified by Administration, will wear the school uniform. All clothing must be clean, neatly pressed, and in good repair. No ripped, torn, or defaced item may be worn. The purpose of a uniform is two-fold. Primarily it serves as a means of consistency in student dress while keeping costs to a minimum. It also reduces the problem of competitive dressing.
Harris School Uniforms
Store Location: 4152 W Blue Heron Blvd, Riviera Beach, FL 33404
Shop Harris School Uniforms
1. The standard uniform bottoms for girls consist of Harris khaki or navy blue uniform skorts, and khaki or navy-blue uniform female trousers. Belts are to be worn with the ladies’ trousers and should be visible at all times. Skorts may extend no higher than 3.5 inches above the front of the knee. As with all uniform items, the proper fit of skorts and trousers is ultimately determined at the discretion of Administration.
NOTE: The 3-button tab front skort is no longer accepted as part of CN ladies’ uniforms.
2. The standard uniform tops for girls is the Harris white or navy-blue uniform polo shirt, and the white or light blue uniform oxford blouse, tucked in and modestly worn, with the waist band of the skorts or trousers visible at all times. All collars must be worn properly. Blouses and polo shirts are to be properly buttoned with only the top button left open. All tops are to fit appropriately and may not be oversized or undersized. Solid white, short sleeved T-shirts (devoid of any advertisements or illustrations) or gray, short sleeved PE T-shirts may be worn under the uniform top. Bras are required to be worn.
3. Senior ladies’ uniforms also include the Harris “Class of 2024” polo shirt as an option.
4. The Cardinal Newman V-neck or cardigan sweaters, the half-zip micro-fleece, the letterman’s jacket and team/club jackets are considered uniform outerwear and may be worn any day. Only qualified members or participants in a club, team, or class may wear the corresponding garments. Please consult the Vice Principal for guidelines regarding t-shirt/sweatshirt/jacket approval.
5. Only hooded sweatshirts provided by Cardinal Newman via the Crusader Shack, CNHS Online Store, or provided by team/sport are allowed to be worn. No other hooded sweatshirts are allowed.
6. Approved sport, class, or club shirts may only be worn on Spirit Days.
7. Socks are not to be worn above the knees.
8. During the winter months, ladies may wear solid gray, white, black, or navy blue tights or leggings under their uniform skorts. The tights and leggings may not have any lace or decoration on them. Skorts must be at regulation length when legwear is worn.
1. The standard uniform for boys consists of Harris khaki uniform shorts, and navy blue or khaki uniform pants. Uniform pants and shorts are to be properly fitted and hemmed. Both pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist. As with all uniform items, the proper fit of the shorts and trousers is ultimately determined at the discretion of the Principal.
2. Belts are to be worn every day and should be visible at all times.
3. Shorts are NOT to be worn to Mass and other Special Dress assemblies.
4. Gentlemen may wear either the Harris white or light blue uniform oxford shirt, or the white or navy-blue uniform polo shirt. Collars are to be properly worn and shirts are to be completely tucked in, with the belt visible at all times. Solid white, short sleeved T-shirts (devoid of any advertisements or illustrations) or gray short sleeved PE T-shirts may be worn under the uniform shirt. A necktie is optional with the uniform oxford shirt on regular school days but is required on Mass and Special Dress Days.
5. Senior gentlemen’s uniforms also include the Harris “Class of 2024” polo shirt.
6. The Cardinal Newman V-neck or cardigan sweaters, the half-zip micro-fleece, the letterman’s jacket and team/club jackets are now considered uniform outerwear and may be worn any day. Only qualified members or participants in a club, team, or class may wear the corresponding garments. Students in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of Administration. Please see the Office of Student Life for guidelines regarding t-shirt/sweatshirt/jacket approval.
7. Only hooded sweatshirts provided by Cardinal Newman via the Crusader Shack, CNHS Online Store, or provided by team/sport are allowed to be worn. No other hooded sweatshirts are allowed. (See “hoodie” policy, page 46 )
7. Approved sport, class, or club shirts may only be worn on Spirit Day Fridays.
8. Gentlemen are to be clean shaven every day, with no visible facial hair. Any student sent to the office to shave may receive 1-hour detention.
On Mass days and other Special Dress Days, all students are to wear the Cardinal Newman Dress Uniform. That is, shorts and polo shirts are not permitted on these special occasions. The CN Dress uniform is defined as follows:
1. Young women are to be in the white or light blue uniform oxford blouse. The uniform khaki or navy blue skort, or belted uniform pants are to be worn with standard uniform dress code shoes.
2. Young men are to be in the white or light blue uniform oxford shirt (tucked in) and an appropriate tie. The uniform pants, khaki or navy blue, are to be worn with a belt, and standard uniform dress code shoes.
3. Hooded sweaters are not permitted to be worn during Mass.
On other special occasions students will be permitted to come to school in jeans and a Cardinal Newman spirit shirt. For these events, students will be expected to follow the non-uniform dress code.
1. Clothing should be modest and appropriate for a Catholic School.
2. Students are permitted to wear full-length, denim blue jeans as long as they are neat in appearance, and are not ripped or frayed, and do not have holes worn through them. No white jeans or jeans of any other color than blue may be worn.
3. Students are permitted to wear only approved Cardinal Newman spirit shirts or uniform tops. On non-uniform days, low necklines and exposed shoulders are not permitted (no tank tops). There should be no printed decoration supporting illegal and/or inappropriate activity.
4. Gentlemen wearing shorts may only wear uniform shorts of appropriate length. When allowed, non-uniform shorts should extend below the fingertip for both ladies and men.
5. Skin-tight clothing is not to be worn as part of the uniform or non-uniform apparel. Ladies may not wear any clothing that exposes the midriff or any other significant part of the body. Leggings are not permitted in any capacity.
6. Only hooded sweatshirts provided by Cardinal Newman via the Crusader Shack, CNHS Online Store, or provided by a team/sport are allowed to be worn. No other hooded sweatshirts are allowed. (See the “hoodie” policy, page 45.)
7. Sneakers may be worn on some special dress days. Slippers, slides, and boots are not permitted. Due to safety issues, students with backless shoes, flip flopsor slides will not be permitted to attend class. Due to safety issues, students with backless shoes, flip flops or slides will not be permitted to attend class.
8. Students wearing clothing considered to be inappropriate will have to change into regular uniform attire and serve detention. Students should bring their regular uniform attire to school in case it is determined that they should change.
9. Failure to comply with the non-uniform dress code may result in a future loss of privilege and an Administrative Detention.
All clothing items that are purchased by a class, club, or athletic team must be approved by the Administration prior to the item being worn to school.
- Items purchased without prior approval will not be permitted to be worn. Wearing unapproved items to school may result in disciplinary action for violation of this policy.
- Class, club, and team shirts are only to be worn on Spirit Day Fridays.
- No alternate days are to be substituted if there is no school on Friday.
- Team jackets are now considered uniform outerwear and may be worn any day.
- Only qualified members or participants in a club, team, or class may wear the corresponding garments.
- Only hooded sweatshirts provided by Cardinal Newman via the Crusader Shack, CNHS Online Store, or provided by a team/sport are allowed to be worn. No other hooded sweatshirts are allowed. (See the “hoodie” policy, page 45.)
- Please see the Office of Student Life for guidelines regarding t-shirt/sweatshirt/jacket approval.
For all students’, shoes are to be leather dress shoes of a solid color, Sperry/boat shoes, or sneakers of appropriate color (i.e., black, brown, white, blue) and design. The administration has the discretion to determine the appropriateness of the shoe.
- Shoes must be in good condition and worn properly, with laces securely tied and/or Velcro straps in place. As with all uniform items, the shoes must not be tattered, untidy, or defaced. Shoes are to have a fully closed toe and a fully closed heel. The heel of the shoe must completely cover the heel of the foot and must always fit snugly against the foot. Folding the heel of the shoe is not acceptable. Shoes with a broken or damaged heel are not to be worn. Shoelaces are to be dark in color, blending with the shoe.
Due to safety issues, students with backless shoes will not be permitted to attend class.
In the event of a foot injury, the Vice Principal must be contacted for approval of alternate footwear. In addition, a current doctor’s note must be provided to the Vice Principal and the school nurse in the Central Office prior to considering such requests.
When making arrangements for an injured student, keep in mind that under no circumstances may flip- flops, slides, backless shoes, or other footwear lacking a secure heel-strap of any kind be worn during the school day.
- Clothing items bought from suppliers other than Harris or Cardinal Newman High School are not approved as school uniform. Harris School Uniforms may be contacted online,, or by phone 561-881-8689.
- All shirts and blouses are to be properly buttoned with only the top button left open.
- No sweatshirt hoods, visors, sweat-bands, sunglasses, flannel shirts, or military-style apparel are to
be worn by either boys or girls. - No faddish clothing, make-up, or hairstyles are permitted.
Outerwear and Hooded Sweatshirts
- Only hooded sweatshirts provided by Cardinal Newman via the Crusader Shack, the CNHS Online Store, or provided by a team/sport are allowed to be worn. No other hooded sweatshirts are allowed.
- Non-Cardinal Newman outerwear is not allowed – hooded sweatshirts or otherwise.
- If Non-Cardinal Newman outerwear (hooded or otherwise) is worn to school, it must be removed, and the student will be required to purchase Cardinal Newman approved outerwear.
- If needed at the time of Non-Newman outerwear being removed for outerwear due to weather, Cardinal Newman will provide outerwear from the used uniform store for the cost of being sold via the used uniform store.
Accessories and Grooming
- No hats, visors, sweatbands or bandanas covering the head are to be worn at any time during school hours or while on campus unless otherwise approved by the administration.
- The hair is to be neatly groomed and of moderate length, as determined by the Administration. Hairstyles that are “bushy” or that entail significant contrasts of longer and shorter hair, or unnatural contrasts in color, are not acceptable. Hairstyles that are extreme or bizarre, or that involve design or architecture are not permitted.
- Sideburns may not extend below the ear and must be kept neat in appearance. Young men whose hair exceeds the back of their collars or their eyebrows/earlobes must pull their hair back into a neat and tidy appearance at all times. This policy may be enforced at all school events, both during and after school hours.
- Young men may not wear earrings on school grounds during school hours or at school sanctioned events when representing the school. Neither boys nor girls may wear nose posts, barbs, and/or nose rings, tongue posts, grills, eyebrow ornaments, etc.
- Students may not have visible drawings or writing on their person and tattoos may not be visible at any time on campus, while in school uniform, or when representing the school.
- Students may not wear any type of wrist band that is inappropriate for school.
Students are not permitted to have headphones, wireless neckbands, earbuds, airPods or other listening devices in their ears in the hallways, cafeteria, or Media Center during school hours. Students may only use earbuds in class with teacher permission or after school.
A Student Identification Card will be given to each student at the start of the year with a CNHS lanyard. The student I.D. and Lanyard are to be worn at all times while on campus with the accompanying lanyard. All Student I.D. Card and lanyard replacements will cost $5 per card. The Student I.D. Card is required for all school functions – i.e., sporting events, school dances, media center, etc.
It is the student’s responsibility to immediately report a lost, stolen, or damaged card to student services. A replacement fee will be charged.
Students not in compliance with the Code of Dress and Appearance (at the discretion of administration) will first be required to make corrections to their uniform and/or appearance on their own if possible. If a student is not able to correct their uniform or appearance, they will be offered a uniform item from the school (which will need to be washed and returned the next day). If a student is unable or unwilling to wear an item from the school supply, they will be denied class attendance and may be sent home. Consequences of student uniform violations may also include administrative detention. Repeated disregard for any and all of the school’s dress requirements may escalate sanctions to 3-hour Saturday detentions and in-school suspensions (ISS). Of course, a student’s absence from class because of his/her failure to be in correct uniform shall be counted as an unexcused absence.
Because it is impossible to encompass every eventuality of dress and appearance, the judgment of the Vice Principal is final in these matters. Students who are not in conformity with the Code of Dress and Appearance may not be permitted to attend classes or may be sent home.
Please consult the Parent-Student Handbook for additional Dress and Appearance guidelines.