Students are encouraged to use the media center and are entitled to borrow books and other media. Students may use their student ID to check out materials.

The Media Center is open from 7:15 AM to 5:00 PM on regular school days, and until 2:30 PM on early dismissal days.

Students are encouraged to use the Media Center and are entitled to use the computers, printer, and borrow books or other media. Computers are for academic use only during the school day and games are permitted only before and after school.

Students are welcome to come to the Media Center before, during and after school. Disruptive students will be asked to leave the Media Center. At no time, including before and after school hours, are cell phones permitted to be used in the Media Center for anything other than academic use.

No food or drink is permitted in the Media Center.

During class periods, students must have a pass from their classroom teacher to be admitted.  An independent study section is designated for those students unaccompanied by a teacher so they may work on assignments. Those students are allowed to leave the media center once the bell rings. 

Students entering the Media Center with classes are to leave book bags in the classroom.

Circulation Procedure

Students must use their student ID to check out materials. Most materials may be checked out for a two-week period. Periodicals and audiovisual materials may be checked out overnight and are due the following morning before the first bell. The fine for overdue books is ten cents per day. The fine for overnight materials is $1.00 per day. Students with excused absences are not charged.

For questions about the Media Center, please contact Dominique Samedi at

Passwords may be required.